
Stupidly high requirements for basic jobs

English ain't my first language so sorry for whatever grammatical mistake, don't hang me please. Also I'm not from America but I thought “this definitely belongs here” Recently I quit my job since it was a high risk job and I'm really tired of risking my life for peanuts, I already have some scars that won't disappear and I really don't want to die on site because whatever reason, and so I started my quest to find a new job…I kinda failed the quest and actually it's been some months since I quit. I'm really fcking desperate and it's exhausting, every job that I see asks for 2 years or more of experience, and I kinda understand it in some cases but…2 years of experience as a cashier, dishwasher? I'm 26 now and I'm pretty sure that when I worked as a cashier when I was 18 they didn't asked…

English ain't my first language so sorry for whatever grammatical mistake, don't hang me please. Also I'm not from America but I thought “this definitely belongs here”

Recently I quit my job since it was a high risk job and I'm really tired of risking my life for peanuts, I already have some scars that won't disappear and I really don't want to die on site because whatever reason, and so I started my quest to find a new job…I kinda failed the quest and actually it's been some months since I quit.

I'm really fcking desperate and it's exhausting, every job that I see asks for 2 years or more of experience, and I kinda understand it in some cases but…2 years of experience as a cashier, dishwasher? I'm 26 now and I'm pretty sure that when I worked as a cashier when I was 18 they didn't asked for experience.
Just what in tarnation happened????
And it gets worse ! minimum wage? they also made it so that if you miss one day it means you just lost a bonus, then you ain't getting the minimum wage.

What kind of dystopia is this? What the hell happened? I'm in an episode of black mirror?

should have listened to my friends, maybe the drug lord stuff was the way to go, but hey i can still be a drug lord in DnD !

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