
In Need of Level-Headed Advice

Some background, two months ago I was hired by a large-scale funeral service corporation as a cemetery groundskeeper. During the initial interview my would-be supervisor seemed pleasant enough and I had even disclosed I deal with some mental health concerns (he seemed fine with this) but the moment I took the job offer his personality did a total 180. We’re talking aloof and distant at best and verbally hostile at worst for the simplest of rookie questions—for example, being aggressively told to “stop and use your fucking brain” when I asked how an unfamiliar piece of equipment works, having an extension cord thrown at my face and being barked at to plug it in, not even getting a “good morning” out in the first few minutes of the day before being interrupted with “get the water (sprinklers) going” in an extremely contemptuous way. The breaking point was last Wednesday, after…

Some background, two months ago I was hired by a large-scale funeral service corporation as a cemetery groundskeeper. During the initial interview my would-be supervisor seemed pleasant enough and I had even disclosed I deal with some mental health concerns (he seemed fine with this) but the moment I took the job offer his personality did a total 180. We’re talking aloof and distant at best and verbally hostile at worst for the simplest of rookie questions—for example, being aggressively told to “stop and use your fucking brain” when I asked how an unfamiliar piece of equipment works, having an extension cord thrown at my face and being barked at to plug it in, not even getting a “good morning” out in the first few minutes of the day before being interrupted with “get the water (sprinklers) going” in an extremely contemptuous way.

The breaking point was last Wednesday, after a month of giving this guy the benefit of the doubt for his behavior—everyone goes through stuff, right? After another morning of being treated like I was in a labor camp, I got in my car, texted my boss I’m taking the rest of the week off, and told him exactly why and asked just what it was I did to to justify the bullying, as I’ve done nothing but try to be a fast learner and hard worker.

His response was “I’m sorry you feel that way, I have a strong command style that comes across as overbearing. Call me when you can.”

I texted back we could talk on Tuesday (tomorrow as of this post) as my anxiety and depression was through the roof. I later let his supervisor know what was going on as well filed a report with HR. Honestly, I feel like I’m wasting my time. Retaliation seems likely. No feedback from the report or the higher up.

So this is the question: Do I bother even going in tomorrow? Seems like collecting unemployment is an option either with quitting or getting fired. Seems like the most drama free option is just letting go.

Tl;dr: Oh no, workplace bullying what do?! Thanks for reading and any advice.

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