
How do you handle post-op recovery at work?

It’s probably no surprise that I’m an American. I started a new job over three months ago and really enjoy it. I’ve been trying to save PTO (paid time off), but it’s difficult when I have medical appointments, out of town friends visiting over the summer, and a broken car (that I finally got fixed last week). I hate how everything is only open during business hours. I happen to work during business hours, and I hate using my PTO for appointments instead of vacation. I like this job a lot for many reasons, but I hate the PTO policy. We only earn 5 hours of PTO every 2 weeks. That’s not even a full day off. I’m having surgery to take out a wisdom tooth soon and currently don’t have any PTO. I’m so anxious about going back to work while I’m recovering. My sister had her wisdom teeth…

It’s probably no surprise that I’m an American. I started a new job over three months ago and really enjoy it. I’ve been trying to save PTO (paid time off), but it’s difficult when I have medical appointments, out of town friends visiting over the summer, and a broken car (that I finally got fixed last week). I hate how everything is only open during business hours. I happen to work during business hours, and I hate using my PTO for appointments instead of vacation.

I like this job a lot for many reasons, but I hate the PTO policy. We only earn 5 hours of PTO every 2 weeks. That’s not even a full day off. I’m having surgery to take out a wisdom tooth soon and currently don’t have any PTO. I’m so anxious about going back to work while I’m recovering. My sister had her wisdom teeth removed last year and told me the recovery is painful. I don’t want to be at work in pain! I don’t hate this job, but this is really making me anxious. Do any other Americans feel this way? Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with post-op recovery while at work? I thankfully work a desk job, but I’d rather rest at home. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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