
[UPDATE] Attacked by co-worker with chair at work

Hi all i just wanted to update on my sitatuon because a lot of you were very helpful with your suggestions you can see my original post here ​ I did end up going to the station and getting a copy of the police report. I am shocked by not really shocked that the entire report is framed in a way that makes me out to be the aggressor and instigator. Nothing that took place earlier is mentioned ie: a second co-worker arguing with me unprovoked, also telling me to “grow the tf up” the assault is admitted to however it's setup to read that I provoked them and they were left with no other choice but to kick a chair into my stomach out of sheer frustration. Report goes to say the officer did not find any evidence to warrant any additional actions and that my manager “agrees” all…

Hi all i just wanted to update on my sitatuon because a lot of you were very helpful with your suggestions you can see my original post here

I did end up going to the station and getting a copy of the police report. I am shocked by not really shocked that the entire report is framed in a way that makes me out to be the aggressor and instigator. Nothing that took place earlier is mentioned ie: a second co-worker arguing with me unprovoked, also telling me to “grow the tf up” the assault is admitted to however it's setup to read that I provoked them and they were left with no other choice but to kick a chair into my stomach out of sheer frustration. Report goes to say the officer did not find any evidence to warrant any additional actions and that my manager “agrees” all the while my statement is never really taken, and I am left out of the interview room.

Had a one on one meeting with my manager today, and he tried everything he could to gaslight me into be thinking the entire situation was my fault. Saying “I look at all sides of the situation” and there's “two sides to every story” and lets not forget the “It's my job to decide what's punishable or not. “zero tolerance” is up to what I can decide the consequences should be” I tunned in an official written complaint, my official written statement, attached the police report, my discharge paper work, and an official company form. for SAFETY AND HAZARD outlining a hostile environment and non adherence to the ZERO TOLERENCE POLICY. The rest of this week should be very interesting, I let it be absolutely know that I do not want to work when that lunatic is in the building, my manager kelp saying “You have absolutely no reason to feel unsafe, I can guarantee that will never happen again, (as if being attacked unprovoked is a reason not feel unsafe), and “I think pressing charges isn't a great idea, cause you know, then lawyers and all of that, why don't you just let it go?”


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