
Is a salaried warehouse manager considered an executive and not entitled to overtime pay?

I have been with my company for 5years this week. I got put on salary last year with no overtime pay, never gave me a contract that I have requested multiple times, or bonuses etc. I am in an email war with our COO. I said I have been researching & believe I should have been paid overtime, he sent me a link saying no because I am an executive manager. But how am I an executive, what does that mean? I have no control over anything within the company. I just hire, fire staff and manage the warehouse operations (shipping, receiving) Does anyone have experience with this? I am in NYS, any help is appreciated.

I have been with my company for 5years this week. I got put on salary last year with no overtime pay, never gave me a contract that I have requested multiple times, or bonuses etc. I am in an email war with our COO. I said I have been researching & believe I should have been paid overtime, he sent me a link saying no because I am an executive manager. But how am I an executive, what does that mean? I have no control over anything within the company. I just hire, fire staff and manage the warehouse operations (shipping, receiving) Does anyone have experience with this? I am in NYS, any help is appreciated.

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