
Advice urgently needed

For the past 2years I have worked night audit at a hotel. The manager who hired me discussed my availability & it was made clear( by me) that I am ONLY available for night audit. He happily agreed to this. I was initially hired for fri, sat, sun audit shifts. Anyone who has ever worked in hospitality can attest that weekends are the least desirable shifts particularly in tourist season. I agreed to those days in the hope that one day I would be able to move up the ladder to weeknights. About a year into my job the other audit person suffered a major medical event & retired ( he's in his 70's) my mgr offered me the mon- fri audit & I happily accepted. Original mgr left & new mgr was appointed. 1st thing to happen was the new n.a person asked for an additional day so I…

For the past 2years I have worked night audit at a hotel.

The manager who hired me discussed my availability & it was made clear( by me) that I am ONLY available for night audit. He happily agreed to this. I was initially hired for fri, sat, sun audit shifts.

Anyone who has ever worked in hospitality can attest that weekends are the least desirable shifts particularly in tourist season.
I agreed to those days in the hope that one day I would be able to move up the ladder to weeknights.

About a year into my job the other audit person suffered a major medical event & retired ( he's in his 70's) my mgr offered me the mon- fri audit & I happily accepted.

Original mgr left & new mgr was appointed. 1st thing to happen was the new n.a person asked for an additional day so I happily gave him my fri shift. I had no problem or issue with agreeing to a 4 day work week.

Things went along fairly well for a time other than new mgr constantly asking me to fill in day/ pm shifts when someone took time off. I explained to her that at my job interview I made it clear that I was never available for anything outside of audit.

Well, now after a year the former night audit guy decided he wants to come back but refuses to do weekends. So on 1 day notice my schedule changed from mon- Thurs to Wed ,Thurs & friday.

I was quite annoyed but bit my tongue & accepted this. 24hrs after changing my schedule mgr then txt me to ask if I would work her 7am- 3-pm shift on Monday. I refused, she is furious. Too bad I think to myself. Buuuuuttttt we're not done yet!

She then txt me Monday night asking me for log in details to training videos for new software. I do not now nor have I ever had that info. She's even angrier now. Oh well tough shit.( training needed to be provided to former n.a since we changed software program after he retired.)

Now I'm told that 2 of my co-workers are taking the same day ( a Tuesday. My scheduled day that was taken away) off & I am expected to cover 3-11 shift.

My response? Absolutely the the fuck not.

I need to add that a few months ago new mgr was/ is overworked & overwhelmed. I expressed interest in being promoted to m.o.d ( basically her assistant but with a title lower than assistant mgr) no extra pay, just a title. She felt that I was being unreasonable, basically wanted to be able to enlist my help, knowledge & experience (34 years in hospitality) but without giving me the title I requested.

As of today I have blocked every one's phone # 's I'm no longer willing to be contacted at home for advice, questions or picking up any extra shifts.

I fully expect to be fired. But I'm wondering if I overreacted & if I should change my stance?

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