
I feel like i’ll never be able to ‘climb the ladder’

I'm a public affairs coordinator for a small nonprofit and I just got a denial for a similar job at a similar nonprofit. I feel like I'll never grow career-wise. I'm 31 (F) and tbh I still gravitate towards entry level jobs because I don't feel competent enough to move further up the rank. Also conceptually I don't mind that, but if I want entry level jobs I'm going to keep getting entry level pay. It's just kind of a bummer to see friends get better, more well paying jobs while I just feel stuck. I tend to make mistakes and I feel like I kind of suck at every job I have. Now we just had a big shakeup at work and the supervisors I worked with left and I can't stand my new one. Before it was like, ok i'm underpaid but at least I like my job.…

I'm a public affairs coordinator for a small nonprofit and I just got a denial for a similar job at a similar nonprofit. I feel like I'll never grow career-wise. I'm 31 (F) and tbh I still gravitate towards entry level jobs because I don't feel competent enough to move further up the rank.

Also conceptually I don't mind that, but if I want entry level jobs I'm going to keep getting entry level pay. It's just kind of a bummer to see friends get better, more well paying jobs while I just feel stuck. I tend to make mistakes and I feel like I kind of suck at every job I have.

Now we just had a big shakeup at work and the supervisors I worked with left and I can't stand my new one. Before it was like, ok i'm underpaid but at least I like my job. Now I feel like I'll never be able to grow or improve.

Also now I'm at the point where even if I wanted the 'entry level' roles, I have too much experience. I feel like I don't have the skills/personality to climb the ladder but I can't even stay on the ground (sorry I'm trying to figure out this metaphor as I go lol).

It just sucks. Rejection sucks. Feeling incompetent sucks. Working at a job you used to love but now dread is a particular brand of suckiness.

TGIF I guess?

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