
Probably losing my job

I've apperently been off on my till three times now, even though I've only been alerted twice because the first offense is a “verbal warning” which I never even recieved. I've never been off on a till before this job and this is my third cashier job. God, I hate this job, but I don't want to be fired and have that look bad on me. I count my change EXCESSIVELY and I always make sure I count what the computer tells me to. I cried three times yesterday after my manager told me and once was almost in front of customers. Now Im just angry because I have no idea how I've been off 3 times already within 1.5 months and never once during 8+ months previously. Unless the computer is wrong I have absolutely no clue.

I've apperently been off on my till three times now, even though I've only been alerted twice because the first offense is a “verbal warning” which I never even recieved. I've never been off on a till before this job and this is my third cashier job. God, I hate this job, but I don't want to be fired and have that look bad on me. I count my change EXCESSIVELY and I always make sure I count what the computer tells me to. I cried three times yesterday after my manager told me and once was almost in front of customers. Now Im just angry because I have no idea how I've been off 3 times already within 1.5 months and never once during 8+ months previously. Unless the computer is wrong I have absolutely no clue.

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