
Be Dressed and Ready? Why does this not sit well with me?

Okay, hear me out. At my job we have to wear a uniform. So my shift starts at 8am, I gotta come in on my own time and get dressed before more start time and be at my work station at 8am dressed and ready. That means I have to sign out a hard hat, radio on my own time. Same goes for end of shift. My shift ends at 4, then on my own time I have to return equipment change into my Personnel clothes and then leave. Does this sit right w/ you guys?

Okay, hear me out.

At my job we have to wear a uniform.

So my shift starts at 8am, I gotta come in on my own time and get dressed before more start time and be at my work station at 8am dressed and ready.

That means I have to sign out a hard hat, radio on my own time.

Same goes for end of shift.

My shift ends at 4, then on my own time I have to return equipment change into my Personnel clothes and then leave.

Does this sit right w/ you guys?

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