
Content Creator “Co-Op” or “Union” Please Review and Discuss

I’m tired of working for peanuts and I know you are too. Below I will outline a framework for our co-op. This is something I’ve thought about for a while and I genuinely think we can profit from this. No investment is required upfront but we MUST commit to the system in order for it to work. Must have access to YouTube and a way to produce content. I will not get into financial compensation specifics regarding payouts or fund management as this is still just an idea. 1) Our Co-Op is a network of “content creators” who publish content on any platform that will show ads and ultimately pay per view/click/etc. Think YouTube paying “X” ad revenue per “X” amount of views 2) You must “create” content on a scheduled basis. This can be anything the platform seems acceptable for advertising. No NSFW content on YouTube obviously. Need lowest…

I’m tired of working for peanuts and I know you are too. Below I will outline a framework for our co-op. This is something I’ve thought about for a while and I genuinely think we can profit from this. No investment is required upfront but we MUST commit to the system in order for it to work. Must have access to YouTube and a way to produce content. I will not get into financial compensation specifics regarding payouts or fund management as this is still just an idea.

1) Our Co-Op is a network of “content creators” who publish content on any platform that will show ads and ultimately pay per view/click/etc. Think YouTube paying “X” ad revenue per “X” amount of views

2) You must “create” content on a scheduled basis. This can be anything the platform seems acceptable for advertising. No NSFW content on YouTube obviously. Need lowest barrier for views possible. The main thing is the content has to show an advertisement for money to come in.

3) You must “consume” content on a scheduled basis. In order for this to work the videos (Advertisements) need views. This could be as simple as setting a device to auto-play as long as ads are shown the revenue will be generated.

4) Funds would have to somehow be deposited and distributed via a managed account. Being a co-op there would be an even distribution of funds based entirely on overall revenue.

5) Get it? We make content and we watch content. That’s it. The ultimate F U to big money, we profit from their system with by using OUR system.

There will need to be a way to moderate content and content creators. Funding management is also paramount. A contract would most likely be involved. I really think we can get the money to flow in and finally create an ecosystem that benefits more than just few.

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