
Performance evaluations based solely on customer reviews should be illegal.

The job I lasted the shortest in was two weeks. It was at a call center for a particular meal prep and boxing company. You've probably heard of them; they've been advertising and sponsoring a lot on YouTube as of late. Went there, one week of training. First day day on the job: April 1st, 2019. Customer calls in, demanding cookie dough. We didn't sell cookie at that time. None of the staff knew about it. (I had to find out later it was an April Fool's joke email.) Customer was furious at my answer, refused to accept it, left me a 1 out of 10 score. If that wasn't bad enough? I was placed in an area that wasn't behind a locked door, so for PCI compliance, I couldn't take credit card information. Why was this a problem? Any incoming customers who wanted to register had to tell us…

The job I lasted the shortest in was two weeks. It was at a call center for a particular meal prep and boxing company. You've probably heard of them; they've been advertising and sponsoring a lot on YouTube as of late.

Went there, one week of training. First day day on the job: April 1st, 2019. Customer calls in, demanding cookie dough. We didn't sell cookie at that time. None of the staff knew about it. (I had to find out later it was an April Fool's joke email.) Customer was furious at my answer, refused to accept it, left me a 1 out of 10 score.

If that wasn't bad enough? I was placed in an area that wasn't behind a locked door, so for PCI compliance, I couldn't take credit card information. Why was this a problem? Any incoming customers who wanted to register had to tell us their card info – so I had to transfer to somebody else who was behind the carded doors. (At least they were competent enough to set up a specific queue for that.) What was the other problem? I didn't qualify for any of the points they received, because I didn't “actually” take the call.

So, I couldn't get any “happy” customers, so it left me with two queues I could actually take: “modify my subscription”, and “close my account”. Unfortunately, ~75% or the calls I could take were “close my account” calls. So, angry customers who didn't realize it was a subscription service by default got food they didn't want, billed money they didn't have, left negative reviews. By the 5th, I had an abysmal “30 out of 90 required performance percentage in order to keep employment.

So I was fired.

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