
Alcohol test on Monday morning?

I was starting a new job on a Monday morning, right after taking the mandatory drug test at 8am. Asked the lab guy what drugs they tested for and he said weed, coke… and alcohol! I’d had a couple of cocktails at dinner the night before and I didn’t want to test positive and have “failed a drug test” stored on some database somewhere to bite me in the ass down the road. So I called the recruiter and explained my concerns. She said “Take the test as is or the job offer is withdrawn.” So I walked. Wife disagreed with me and was pissed, but I think it was a legitimate concern. I have a friend who as a teenager was in a mall with a friend who got caught shoplifting. They were both asked by security to show ID. Ten years later she had a retail job offer…

I was starting a new job on a Monday morning, right after taking the mandatory drug test at 8am. Asked the lab guy what drugs they tested for and he said weed, coke… and alcohol!

I’d had a couple of cocktails at dinner the night before and I didn’t want to test positive and have “failed a drug test” stored on some database somewhere to bite me in the ass down the road. So I called the recruiter and explained my concerns. She said “Take the test as is or the job offer is withdrawn.” So I walked.

Wife disagreed with me and was pissed, but I think it was a legitimate concern. I have a friend who as a teenager was in a mall with a friend who got caught shoplifting. They were both asked by security to show ID. Ten years later she had a retail job offer in New York withdrawn because she failed the background check. Her name came up as a shoplifter!

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