
Company event was a cringe fest.

Will try to keep this vague despite being on my throwaway, dont want to risk anything. Yesterday my work had an event. We were all encouraged to attend and were reminded multiple times to rsvp so we could get an employee gift. Ok cool. Im mostly going to begin with, bc its a free meal and my husband and I have collectively $12 right now until next week. Easy way to get our kids a free lunch. So sure let's go. We get there, there's a solid crowd. Foods decent. Kids fed. Sweet. Then, after food, we are forced to spend 20 minutes listening to the owner of the company gloat about the company, his family, and how wonderful things are. No thanks to us or appreciation for how hard we all work, just 20 mins of making himself and his family sound awesome. There was literally trivia about this…

Will try to keep this vague despite being on my throwaway, dont want to risk anything.

Yesterday my work had an event. We were all encouraged to attend and were reminded multiple times to rsvp so we could get an employee gift. Ok cool.

Im mostly going to begin with, bc its a free meal and my husband and I have collectively $12 right now until next week. Easy way to get our kids a free lunch. So sure let's go.

We get there, there's a solid crowd. Foods decent. Kids fed. Sweet.

Then, after food, we are forced to spend 20 minutes listening to the owner of the company gloat about the company, his family, and how wonderful things are. No thanks to us or appreciation for how hard we all work, just 20 mins of making himself and his family sound awesome. There was literally trivia about this guys family with prizes. Ew.

And also, nothing to say about a long standing employee, who would have celebrated 20 something years with the company, who couldn't make it due to medical issues. Just left such a bad taste in my mouth.

Im still happy my kids got a meal, but that almost wasn't worth it. We drove an hour one way to that thing. To listen to all that… what the heck. I drove home just feeling icky.

This dude knows most of us aren't making it on the wage he gives us and still chose to gloat for 20 minutes. I just can't fathom the blantant vanity and disregard for us.

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