
Please help me quit this new job

Hi all. I’m a teenager who has recently got my first ‘real job’, but it’s a disaster and I have to leave as soon as possible. The context is this: I was looking for a summer gig before leaving home for university in September. I applied for a job mid June as a Senior services health aide. It’s an as needed service where I set up my own schedule with clients in my area for PCA type work. Or, that’s what I was made to believe. The hiring manager had explained to me that my area desperately needed workers and that the pay was based on location, and I will be getting quite good money for my area, as well as coverage for gas. Well, everything has been a disaster. I did not start work until July 4th, which was cancelled after an hour due to an emergency. I only…

Hi all. I’m a teenager who has recently got my first ‘real job’, but it’s a disaster and I have to leave as soon as possible. The context is this: I was looking for a summer gig before leaving home for university in September. I applied for a job mid June as a Senior services health aide. It’s an as needed service where I set up my own schedule with clients in my area for PCA type work. Or, that’s what I was made to believe. The hiring manager had explained to me that my area desperately needed workers and that the pay was based on location, and I will be getting quite good money for my area, as well as coverage for gas.

Well, everything has been a disaster. I did not start work until July 4th, which was cancelled after an hour due to an emergency. I only got that time as pay, and then wasn’t signed on for nearly two more weeks for work.
My location’s operating is brand new, and my manager from that location is a total mess. I’ve gone to all my clients and 3/4s of them complain about waiting for months for services. I’m given Homemaker services and they treat me a like a cleaning lady, and I’m being payed minimum wage because I’m signed through a parent company. I’ve literally walked into homes with rotting potato’s blackened on the floor I had to clean.

I’ve already have had multiple cancellations AFTER I GO to the home that I am not compensated for, and the gas coverage they give is not for your first and last client, as well as infrequent payments for my gas in-between. I don’t think I’ve been given much of anything for my miles. My boss in my location has only given me his number for communication, no email, and was disrespectful to me when I complained about the fourth client I had to leave without pay in these two weeks, stating ‘it’s the nature of the job’. He has ignored my call when I had a no-show until the next fucking day.

Also, I gave 20 hours of online classes for HHA certification that meant nothing hoping I would get the money I hoped for. All for nothing.

I want to quit asap, I’m already done with this. However, I have never quit a job before and I’m extremely concerned how I should write the email to the general manager, if I should state everything I am upset about, or be discrete, or if I should give the stereotypical 2 weeks notice. I really need advice from those who have been in similar places.

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