
Why don’t we make Boomers and Gen X to F*** off?

I’m just so delusional how this generations are literally putrid and they continue to have power on organizations. I honestly thought they were masters on their craft but they just literally sit their a**es off all day and take advantage of our hard work and desire to learn new skills. They are the ones making work boring and redundant, I literally efficientize my boss work by 1000% with ai and bi tools and I’m just over 1 year on business with 22 years of age lol We can literally take over as the best generations (gen z, millenials?) and make work the way it should, a big mass of hours put in to grow and learn and really pushing forward business to develop at its maximum potential, not this corporate “generational knowledge” in which they just pasa information on how s*** is done like their past coworker did the job…

I’m just so delusional how this generations are literally putrid and they continue to have power on organizations.

I honestly thought they were masters on their craft but they just literally sit their a**es off all day and take advantage of our hard work and desire to learn new skills.

They are the ones making work boring and redundant, I literally efficientize my boss work by 1000% with ai and bi tools and I’m just over 1 year on business with 22 years of age lol

We can literally take over as the best generations (gen z, millenials?) and make work the way it should, a big mass of hours put in to grow and learn and really pushing forward business to develop at its maximum potential, not this corporate “generational knowledge” in which they just pasa information on how s*** is done like their past coworker did the job (trashy knowledge lol)

Just please, read this at the best possible mean and lets open a dialogue on how to make this a better place for everyone. I lnow reality hit the hardest when you live it hut bro come on I’m literally showing everyone reality can be crafted as we wanted to, lets destroys this wrinkly bois (call for a revolution maybe?) let me dream a bit haha

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