
As a teacher I sign a 187 day contract at the end of every school year promising that I will show on a specific day in August for work.

Every year we are given videos to watch that cover various safety and ethical topics. It's the same videos every year, but I digress. Usually the videos and associated tests have to be completed by the end of September. This year they made them due the weekend before I have to be back for in-service. In other words, outside of my contracted working days. Not going to happen, I'd they don't like to they can talk to my union rep.

Every year we are given videos to watch that cover various safety and ethical topics. It's the same videos every year, but I digress. Usually the videos and associated tests have to be completed by the end of September.

This year they made them due the weekend before I have to be back for in-service. In other words, outside of my contracted working days.

Not going to happen, I'd they don't like to they can talk to my union rep.

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