
Sick days count as vacation days?

Does anyone elses work do this? I joined a new job in April which came with 13 days of vacation a year standard before ETO. I was planning on using these vacation days in August/September, since I just arrived and essentially didn’t want to request them too soon. Every other job I’ve worked, calling out sick did not affect vacation days. I have had some callouts due to mental/physical illness this year and was surprised when I finally approached my supervisor today about scheduling vacation, he said a “new policy” mixes sick and vacation days. I heard NOTHING about this ever and now am told I have three days left for the work year for vacation now. I don’t even have enough days to roll into the new year now and have anything left over. What the fuck? Is this a regular thing or am I being fucked over corporately?…

Does anyone elses work do this? I joined a new job in April which came with 13 days of vacation a year standard before ETO. I was planning on using these vacation days in August/September, since I just arrived and essentially didn’t want to request them too soon. Every other job I’ve worked, calling out sick did not affect vacation days. I have had some callouts due to mental/physical illness this year and was surprised when I finally approached my supervisor today about scheduling vacation, he said a “new policy” mixes sick and vacation days. I heard NOTHING about this ever and now am told I have three days left for the work year for vacation now. I don’t even have enough days to roll into the new year now and have anything left over. What the fuck? Is this a regular thing or am I being fucked over corporately?

You’re essentially telling me every time I get sick I either have to A. Drag myself into work ill or B, begin sacrificing vacation days. This stings because I have basically never taken an official vacation from work, due to never being given any significant amount of vacation time in any job I’ve worked before. Curious to hear y’alls thoughts. I’m about to just start doing vacation days the retail way and start calling out day-of like ”Nah sorry, can’t come in. Real sick. Cough cough” without regard for my # of days left because apparently corporate doesn’t distinguish between being immobilized with panic attacks and nausea at home and being on vacation.

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