
My mom is dying and I got in trouble about it at work because I’m grieving.

My mom is dying of glioblastoma. When I started my job 2.5 years ago, during the interview I disclosed that my mom had glioblastoma and it was terminal and therefore sometime in the future I would have to deal with that. Well unfortunately that time has come and she is now in hospice and fading fast. I have disclosed all of this to my bosses. I have been short at work and sometimes it's hard not to be snippy. My boss asked me “So HOw'S MoM?” to which I responded with “she's still dying…” Not the best response but I'm not all okay as of late. Well in response to that I got called into his office, along w/ his wife, the other owner of the company. I got asked “what is going on with you? Why are you so short and snippy?!” I responded with; “my mom is dying!…

My mom is dying of glioblastoma. When I started my job 2.5 years ago, during the interview I disclosed that my mom had glioblastoma and it was terminal and therefore sometime in the future I would have to deal with that. Well unfortunately that time has come and she is now in hospice and fading fast. I have disclosed all of this to my bosses.
I have been short at work and sometimes it's hard not to be snippy. My boss asked me “So HOw'S MoM?” to which I responded with “she's still dying…” Not the best response but I'm not all okay as of late. Well in response to that I got called into his office, along w/ his wife, the other owner of the company. I got asked “what is going on with you? Why are you so short and snippy?!” I responded with; “my mom is dying! I'm sad, I'm depressed, I'm just trying to keep it together and you keep piling projects on me, I'm stressed and not doing well!”
Well that was a mistake…I then got lectured about how unprofessional I am being…That I need to respect them and communicate everything that is going on to them. That they are being very understanding of my situation and that I cannot be short/snippy to them and that I need to leave my home life…at home…After having a full panic attack and through hiccup crying I then asked to go back to my office to which they said “fine.”
I've been trying to leave my grief at home but as we all know, that is not possible. I'm putting on a facade for them and coming into the office and just getting thier work done for them.
Today I got asked…basically…when my mother plans to pass. So they can have a backup ready for me when I have to deal with that. What the actual hell. I told them I wasn't sure on when exactly her expiration date was and had a feeling it would be Sept./Oct…I'm so over all of this. I just want to quit but I don't have the means or energy to update my resume, portfolio, etc. and then have to do interviews.
The TLDR of this is: My mom is dying and in hospice. I got in trouble for being sad about it and today I got asked when she would pass.

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