
I didn’t realise how offensive a “pizza party” was until it happened to me..

So sometimes I hear about “pizza parties” large companies hold to patronise their overworked underpaid staff. I always whilst they were laughable and pathetic but thought “WeLl AtLeAsT tHe CoMpAnY iS GrEaTfUlL”. Yes I was that dumb. Until my company decided to have a pizza party last week. The home is at full capacity now and full of highly demanding residents with challenging behaviour, we are all exhausted, fraught, pissed off. So maybe a bit of pizza was meant to solve all these problems, make us thankful for all these violent residents we can't handle. I hadn't realised just how fucking patronising these pizza parties were. Sure maybe these pizzas cost the company a few hundred ££ (but maybe not so much as they remind us to come collect our SLICE, singular). Instead of hiring more staff,or giving better training, more support, any form of security. Keep your fucking pizza.

So sometimes I hear about “pizza parties” large companies hold to patronise their overworked underpaid staff.
I always whilst they were laughable and pathetic but thought “WeLl AtLeAsT tHe CoMpAnY iS GrEaTfUlL”.
Yes I was that dumb.

Until my company decided to have a pizza party last week.
The home is at full capacity now and full of highly demanding residents with challenging behaviour, we are all exhausted, fraught, pissed off.
So maybe a bit of pizza was meant to solve all these problems, make us thankful for all these violent residents we can't handle.

I hadn't realised just how fucking patronising these pizza parties were. Sure maybe these pizzas cost the company a few hundred ££ (but maybe not so much as they remind us to come collect our SLICE, singular).
Instead of hiring more staff,or giving better training, more support, any form of security.

Keep your fucking pizza.

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