
Company is going to throw me under the bus to appease an unreasonable client.

I work as a consultant, have been with this company for almost 8 months and on my current client for 7 months. I’m probably going to be fired this Friday. I was doing fine until the client had a change of management two months ago and my new client report decided he wanted me gone within two days of taking over the team. At first he was complaining about my code (I do IT/computer programming type work) but some senior developers reviewed my code and stated that my code was fine. On top of that, the new manager does not know a single thing about computer programming and does not come from a technical background. Did this make my client stop bitching and let me do my job? No. He kept complaining, but this time about “communication issues” even though he’s been ignoring my messages, emails, status updates, analyses of…

I work as a consultant, have been with this company for almost 8 months and on my current client for 7 months.

I’m probably going to be fired this Friday.

I was doing fine until the client had a change of management two months ago and my new client report decided he wanted me gone within two days of taking over the team. At first he was complaining about my code (I do IT/computer programming type work) but some senior developers reviewed my code and stated that my code was fine. On top of that, the new manager does not know a single thing about computer programming and does not come from a technical background.

Did this make my client stop bitching and let me do my job? No. He kept complaining, but this time about “communication issues” even though he’s been ignoring my messages, emails, status updates, analyses of blockers, etc.

My manager actually tried to get me moved to a less toxic client after the second round of nothing-burger complaints but the client decided that he wanted to keep me on the team for whatever reason while still continuing to badmouth my performance.

I strongly suspect my client report is a sexist pig, I am the only female report he has and while he doesn’t treat the male workers much better, he does seem to listen to them somewhat more than he listens to me, and one of my coworkers has seen him being a toxic asshole to me and others.

Everybody at this company including my manager knows how toxic the client is, but my manager told me that he doesn’t think he can convince his higher ups that I deserve a second chance even though we have good documentation and witnesses of this clients complaints about me having 0 merit. I’m also under the impression my manager is on his way out too.

I’m pissed off but to be honest I don’t really want to work for people who would rather stick with a bad client and throw me under the bus than utilize my skills elsewhere. I feel like my manager should have said “no, we are taking her and placing her elsewhere” when the toxic client wanted me back instead of caving to the client but whatever.

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