
Thought it was a good job…until.

So I work for a private loan company. We work in mainly payday loans and check cashing. Now, before you start saying I’m a loan shark or I prey on poor people, it’s their choice to come in, I tell them everything about it, I do not pester or prey on anyone, everyone comes in and loans with full knowledge. I have worked here for over a year now. I started as an assistant manager and have been a store manager for almost 3 months now. I have been a store manager at an old company for 3 years, been a manager at another company for a few years. I’m not new to management by any means. Or any type of leadership. I took over a store after the store manager left because she got promoted to a district manager. So the assistant she left at this store came from…

So I work for a private loan company. We work in mainly payday loans and check cashing. Now, before you start saying I’m a loan shark or I prey on poor people, it’s their choice to come in, I tell them everything about it, I do not pester or prey on anyone, everyone comes in and loans with full knowledge.

I have worked here for over a year now. I started as an assistant manager and have been a store manager for almost 3 months now. I have been a store manager at an old company for 3 years, been a manager at another company for a few years. I’m not new to management by any means. Or any type of leadership.

I took over a store after the store manager left because she got promoted to a district manager. So the assistant she left at this store came from being a store manager at a retail store. She has been at this store for a month longer than me.

So everything was going good until things started happening…little things….

First, the old store manager has been texting and calling her about the store and the customers, not too bad but not her business anymore, policy prohibits her from doing so. But oh well I can tell her to stop talking to her really about anything else. But she is still kind of dependent on her and not me. I want to be clear that as soon as I came to that store I felt unwelcome. The assistant manager was upset that the manager was leaving. Understandable but I’m not rude or bossy or anything so I am confused.

Second, my assistant manager starts trying to tell me what to do, delegate tasks to me like she is manager. I try to remind her that I make the schedule and if she looked at it she would now exactly what we should be doing. She still tasks me with things for some weird reason, even though they have a place on the schedule.

Third, my assistant went against my decision. She gave a customer money they couldn’t pay back. They were a customer who could never pay on time. They would go weeks late and did not qualify for what we gave her. I told the customer I could not give her what she asked for and explained why and she yelled at me and called me nasty and rude and told me not to talk to her, etc. the customer tried saying she was the customer and she was right but I remind her that she is in a business where we tell the customers what they can get from us. But my assistant went against me and gave her money she can’t pay back. The customer closed her bank account and is now weeks late again and it effects our pay. I try to explain that but she doesn’t listen.

Fourth, I delegate tasks to her to help me with the store and she tells me “I’ll do it if I have time to do it” and I remind her that I make the schedule and I know what time she has.

I am not bossy and I don’t want to be. We have to work together to run the store, it’s not just me getting the glory. I just want to do our jobs and go home at the end of the day. Our job is not hard. It’s the easiest job I have ever had.

I understand it’s just a job and everything but I get the shit when shit isn’t done. I answer for the store and everything to do with it. So she doesn’t get the pressure from corporate or our bosses, I do. My husband doesn’t have a job and this is all I got for income right now so I am trying to keep it but it is getting hard with her.

What do I do? Like I fucking hate work but it’s an easy job and we get paid good money. I just want some respect and understanding between us, I mean we are both stuck here.

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