
Anyone else confused about child labor?

It’s not uncommon to see a news story of something along the lines “Parent can’t afford to buy gifts for Christmas, little Timmy, her son, decided he had to sell lemonade to make it happen” and the story is hailed as something heart warming and positive. In reality, we should be downright ashamed that our society & government let a family reach such a point. Then, even in some cases, they will request people donate to a go-fund me! Sorry if this is disjointed & a rough draft; it’s just something that I thought about while doing the dishes that really irked me.

It’s not uncommon to see a news story of something along the lines “Parent can’t afford to buy gifts for Christmas, little Timmy, her son, decided he had to sell lemonade to make it happen” and the story is hailed as something heart warming and positive. In reality, we should be downright ashamed that our society & government let a family reach such a point. Then, even in some cases, they will request people donate to a go-fund me! Sorry if this is disjointed & a rough draft; it’s just something that I thought about while doing the dishes that really irked me.

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