
Don’t work hard for any job.

I was a workaholic working 20-40hours non-paid overtime for several jobs. We're talking about “important” jobs like managing a health program for the DoD. I took pride in my job because I actually saved lives. But in the end, none of it mattered. I still got canned because of some stupid ass HR rule and one disgusting, useless POS of a program manager wanted me gone because I cared that people died on my watch. Blah blah blah I have been unemployed for months and its been hard to find jobs. I wasted my prime years on a fucking job that no one cares about. Dont work hard, you will not get recognized for it…maybe punished.

I was a workaholic working 20-40hours non-paid overtime for several jobs. We're talking about “important” jobs like managing a health program for the DoD. I took pride in my job because I actually saved lives. But in the end, none of it mattered. I still got canned because of some stupid ass HR rule and one disgusting, useless POS of a program manager wanted me gone because I cared that people died on my watch. Blah blah blah I have been unemployed for months and its been hard to find jobs. I wasted my prime years on a fucking job that no one cares about. Dont work hard, you will not get recognized for it…maybe punished.

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