
Coworker fired with 0 evidence to claim

For reference, we are a café establishment and the jobs we staff are barista/cashier, and cook. Coworker was a barista/cashier same as me. We’ve been having issues with the till coming up short/over by weird amounts and apparently last week it was under by 10$. The establishment is COVERED in cameras, there’s 2 blind spots and neither are near the register and the owner spends a ridiculous amount of time watching us on the cameras any day she doesn’t come in. My coworker called me in tears earlier because she’s been fired from the job we both worked at (I have been out sick for a week or so with COVID so I have no clue what’s going on there). When she arrived to begin her shift at 3, our general manager said they needed to talk, and brought her into the “office”. He started by telling her the close…

For reference, we are a café establishment and the jobs we staff are barista/cashier, and cook. Coworker was a barista/cashier same as me. We’ve been having issues with the till coming up short/over by weird amounts and apparently last week it was under by 10$. The establishment is COVERED in cameras, there’s 2 blind spots and neither are near the register and the owner spends a ridiculous amount of time watching us on the cameras any day she doesn’t come in.

My coworker called me in tears earlier because she’s been fired from the job we both worked at (I have been out sick for a week or so with COVID so I have no clue what’s going on there). When she arrived to begin her shift at 3, our general manager said they needed to talk, and brought her into the “office”. He started by telling her the close she had done the night before was terrible, and that she has no authority to tell another coworker, K, to stay late. She did not, K chose to stay because general manager is also the head chef and leaves tons of dishes for the closers. He then brought up the 10$ missing, and reminded her that that was missing on her night to close, and fired her with the implication that she had been stealing the money. She asked him if he’d checked the cameras because she never stole, and he said that was between him and the owner.

I don’t really know what to do, I’m pissed and I’m gonna quit because I was already planning on leaving and I have another job lined up, but I’m just exhausted by how shitty general manager is especially considering he’s made it a point to tell me several times the only reason he applied for the job was to work with me.

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