
I think I did something wrong

So I’m a supervisor and today I had to deal with an incident with an employee. Nothing violence related but health related. I’m not going into details since I know my boss frequents Reddit but I don’t know if we handled the situation correctly. The employee was having a serious medical issue and I had sent them home however there was a huge concern on if they could even make it home. 911 was called as per protocol even though they didn’t want it and repeatedly said that they were fine and could make it home (they could barely stand) so Reddit I ask you, did we mess up going against this persons wishes or did we do the right thing?

So I’m a supervisor and today I had to deal with an incident with an employee. Nothing violence related but health related. I’m not going into details since I know my boss frequents Reddit but I don’t know if we handled the situation correctly. The employee was having a serious medical issue and I had sent them home however there was a huge concern on if they could even make it home. 911 was called as per protocol even though they didn’t want it and repeatedly said that they were fine and could make it home (they could barely stand) so Reddit I ask you, did we mess up going against this persons wishes or did we do the right thing?

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