
Crazy expectations

I was working maintenance for a nonprofit section 8 housing corp. I liked the work and the schedule, 4 10’s. On call rotation sucked because I lived a good 30 minutes away. Anyways maintenance supervisor loved me, I was raised in the business and did great work at a reasonable speed. I floated among several properties filling in where needed. Took on big projects for nasty ass people that had moved out. Another tech really wasn’t up to snuff and I helped out his properties a lot. We had a company phone with tracking that everyone could see. Worst tenant in the portfolio finally get evicted. I gut it, fix everything over a few days and I am literally walking to my truck to go give a hand to junior tech on a unit he is overwhelmed with. He has nothing ready for parts, can’t plan ahead. I had been…

I was working maintenance for a nonprofit section 8 housing corp. I liked the work and the schedule, 4 10’s. On call rotation sucked because I lived a good 30 minutes away.

Anyways maintenance supervisor loved me, I was raised in the business and did great work at a reasonable speed. I floated among several properties filling in where needed. Took on big projects for nasty ass people that had moved out. Another tech really wasn’t up to snuff and I helped out his properties a lot.

We had a company phone with tracking that everyone could see. Worst tenant in the portfolio finally get evicted. I gut it, fix everything over a few days and I am literally walking to my truck to go give a hand to junior tech on a unit he is overwhelmed with. He has nothing ready for parts, can’t plan ahead. I had been there the previous day for a bit but without parts on hand I couldn’t do much. So
I am walking to my truck and he comes running up berating me for not doing his job, acting like a complete turd. I called the office immediately and reported the situation. Nothing comes of it for a while until I refuse to help out on another eviction clean out because he is going to be there.

We both get called into the office to solve the conflict, we got told we can’t point fingers or make shit up. Dude try’s calling me a creep and all kinds of crazy shit. I can’t get a word in edgewise. I just wait and try and tell my story. They weren’t having it. This guys nose must of been buried so deep into managements ass.

Luckily I had a great job lined up. So I called when the time to start new job had arrived, said I quit. I told them I would drop off keys tools etc at a certain day and time. Manager comes out and I set the stuff on the curb. She starts asking about specific items. I point at the pile on the curb and say it all there. She then has the audacity to ask me to carry it inside. I calmly spoke “Nah I’m cool”. And got in my truck and drove away.

The long burn icing on the cake was that they had a bunch of townhomes that had stairs rotting off the buildings. I was slowly replacing them as time allowed. Before I could get to a particular one, it fell off the deck. I was there pretty early the day after it happened. I spoke with the resident and she said it was scary but thankfully no one was hurt. Reported it to the office immediately.

Six months after I left a new CEO texts me about a lawsuit that I may be able to help them with. Turns out super religious section 8 recipient that was fine, came down with some phantom injuries and was suing them. My only response was to tell him to relay the two particular employees that had it out for me was “Fuck You”.

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