
Job was given to someone else

Okay, so this might belong in the recruiting hell section but I figured I would post it here because I’m sure a lot of you will be able to relate. So, I was verbally offered this job as a server at a restaurant. I applied through Indeed and a few days later I received a message from the hiring manager asking me to call him back because he wanted to ask me a few questions about my background. I called him back and basically just asked me basic questions about my experience and availability, etc. Towards the end of the call he asked when I could start which I thought it was weird because we haven’t had an official interview and hasn’t even met me in person. But I figured they really needed people so I said in a week because I did have to give my current job a…

Okay, so this might belong in the recruiting hell section but I figured I would post it here because I’m sure a lot of you will be able to relate. So, I was verbally offered this job as a server at a restaurant. I applied through Indeed and a few days later I received a message from the hiring manager asking me to call him back because he wanted to ask me a few questions about my background. I called him back and basically just asked me basic questions about my experience and availability, etc. Towards the end of the call he asked when I could start which I thought it was weird because we haven’t had an official interview and hasn’t even met me in person. But I figured they really needed people so I said in a week because I did have to give my current job a one week notice at least and then he said okay just send me your email so I can send you the schedule.

Thought it was a bit of a red flag that he would offer me a job just like that but I know a lot of server jobs don’t really have a formal interview process and it’s supposed to be easier to get one. Regardless I never gave a week notice at my job because I never got an official offer letter or something in writing I know better than that! Ha! Anyways almost a whole week passed after sending him my email and did not hear back from him until 2 days ago when I sent him a message to follow up on our call. He then called yesterday when I was at work and left me a voicemail to call him asap. I didn’t call him back right away since well I was still at work. So I called back this morning thinking that I was about to start this new job….wrong! He proceeds to tell me that he called me YESTERDAY and that since I did not answered right away and they really need people right now he gave the job to someone else! Wtf. The guy literally did not even send me my schedule and then out of nowhere he calls back after I followed up and expects me to drop everything and go to work right away! No, that’s not how it works! Totally unprofessional and clearly a red flag. I can’t imagine how he manages the business! But hey NoBODY wANTS To WorK!! Glad I did not give my current job a notice! The job market and recruitment process is ridiculous and I’m sick and tired of it! I can’t even get a basic server job which I’m clearly qualified for.

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