
Not everyone has a victory story and that’s ok

I talked about this a little bit yesterday. I see so many people say things like “my manager was awful so I quit and then I found my dream job ” or “I got wrongly fired but then I found my dream job ” and if that happened to you, that's great, but most of the time, these awful managers ruin people's lives. The day before I was wrongfully terminated from my last job, I found out that my car needed some expensive repairs done. I was planning on saving up for it but I had to hold off on that for several months because I was fired. I found another job soon after, and it's much easier and less stressful, but it doesn't pay as well. My current job isn't better or worse than my last job. I'm still saving up for repairs and can't afford as many things…

I talked about this a little bit yesterday. I see so many people say things like “my manager was awful so I quit and then I found my dream job ” or “I got wrongly fired but then I found my dream job ” and if that happened to you, that's great, but most of the time, these awful managers ruin people's lives.
The day before I was wrongfully terminated from my last job, I found out that my car needed some expensive repairs done. I was planning on saving up for it but I had to hold off on that for several months because I was fired. I found another job soon after, and it's much easier and less stressful, but it doesn't pay as well. My current job isn't better or worse than my last job. I'm still saving up for repairs and can't afford as many things as I used to, but I'm not crying at work all the time.
I felt so much shame after getting fired and it feels like I went through all that for nothing. I have a lot of pride so it took me a while to admit just how much getting fired emotionally and financially affected me, but it's important to talk about.
If I hadn't been fired, I would be in a better place financially and I was planning on quitting so I would've found a less stressful job anyways. I might've even found a better job than the one I currently have if I wasn't in such a financial bind after getting fired. I was kinda desperate so I took the first job I got hired for.
I never wanted to admit any of this but sometimes we have to set aside our pride and admit the reality of our situation. My ex-manager's selfish, egotistical actions still affect my life to this day and she does not deserve to be in the position of power that she's in. No one as awful as her deserves to be in a position of power, but unfortunately they are, and it's ruining people's lives.

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