
Thinking about spilling the beans…

I work as an assistant manager for a chain of gas stations in the Midwest. I won’t say the name but I will say we are real big on our Pizzas. I have been with this store since March. I absolutely love my team. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone. I’m the newbie in town and already feel so accepted here despite the fact I’m weird as shit. Here’s the problem. Our store manager is the biggest POS ever. She doesn’t do a damn thing and constantly talks shit on all of her employees. This includes me. I’ve had several people repeat to me what she says. I only get paid 15.50 an hour even though I’m taking care of everything because she doesn’t and always leaves early (yay for salary right?) and I pick up the slack she takes credit for. I am the assistant manager that…

I work as an assistant manager for a chain of gas stations in the Midwest. I won’t say the name but I will say we are real big on our Pizzas.

I have been with this store since March. I absolutely love my team. It’s a small town and everyone knows everyone. I’m the newbie in town and already feel so accepted here despite the fact I’m weird as shit.

Here’s the problem. Our store manager is the biggest POS ever. She doesn’t do a damn thing and constantly talks shit on all of her employees. This includes me. I’ve had several people repeat to me what she says.

I only get paid 15.50 an hour even though I’m taking care of everything because she doesn’t and always leaves early (yay for salary right?) and I pick up the slack she takes credit for.

I am the assistant manager that tells my employees they don’t owe me a damn thing. You don’t wanna work on your day off? Cool. No is a complete sentence you ain’t gotta tell me a damn thing. I firmly believe in treating people like….well actual freaking people.

Anyways, I got off topic. I recently decided I’m tired of listening to her talk poorly about all the people who work there because I care about them. I consider many of them friends even.

Today I made the decision to spill the beans and tell every single person exactly what she thinks and says about them. I’ve also reached out ti the higher ups (I used an AI program to make it sound more professional) about what’s been going on but I don’t trust them to do anything.

Am I wrong for just being blunt and pulling back the curtain? I am on the spectrum and tend to go overboard when it comes to “justice”. I just can’t sit back and keep my mouth shut anymore. This is effects people’s livelihoods ffs.

Any advice or just, idk, words or wisdom?

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