
Is there a point to all this?

I graduated high school in 2013 with honors. I went right to university, and couldn't settle on a major. I figured out I had some serious mental health issues a couple years in, but pushed myself to try and overcome them. I failed. I got kicked out. I have 60k in debt now. I tried online university. I failed. I gave up. I live with my parents now, and my mental health is too poor to hold down any sort of job. I help my dad with his business now and then, but even that is starting to feel impossible. But I don't qualify for disability assistance. I 'only' have depression, anxiety, and adhd. I can't cope with them, even with drugs and therapy. So I'm expected to slave away at a minimum wage job that will never get me out of this shitty small town and be thankful I…

I graduated high school in 2013 with honors. I went right to university, and couldn't settle on a major. I figured out I had some serious mental health issues a couple years in, but pushed myself to try and overcome them. I failed. I got kicked out. I have 60k in debt now. I tried online university. I failed. I gave up. I live with my parents now, and my mental health is too poor to hold down any sort of job. I help my dad with his business now and then, but even that is starting to feel impossible.

But I don't qualify for disability assistance. I 'only' have depression, anxiety, and adhd. I can't cope with them, even with drugs and therapy. So I'm expected to slave away at a minimum wage job that will never get me out of this shitty small town and be thankful I have the ability to do it.

I'm 28. Its been 10 years since I left home to the big wide world, and I've discovered I hate it. It's cruel and rigged against us. I have to fight tooth and nail to even be considered for help, and I'm just so tired.

I'm so, so tired.

Is there still a point to all this? What do I even do? I can't even declare bankruptcy to remove this crippling debt and I have nothing to show for it.

I don't want to die, but I don't want to participate in this system. I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.

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