
UAP Committee hearing. Coworkers Rapidly Quitting.

Yeah so I work freight and shipping. Big location about 450 employees total for one company and like 200 for contractors. Since this Wednesday with the UAP/UFO meeting that was on the news and being that we work in a very open area well… people have been quitting rapidly or demanding higher pay. Now since i've worked there for a long time I didn't realize people where getting paid literally less than me even after the pay raise. I'm at like 29$ they are at 19$. I don't pay attention to it much. (working 10+ years.) But we just had probably 100 people quit/partially quit or just kind of show up and not really care or show up late as all hell so we have trucks sitting around, and stuff going out late. Now i'm real skeptical of situations and stuff, but it's also taken quite a shock to me.…

Yeah so I work freight and shipping. Big location about 450 employees total for one company and like 200 for contractors.
Since this Wednesday with the UAP/UFO meeting that was on the news and being that we work in a very open area well… people have been quitting rapidly or demanding higher pay. Now since i've worked there for a long time I didn't realize people where getting paid literally less than me even after the pay raise. I'm at like 29$ they are at 19$. I don't pay attention to it much. (working 10+ years.)
But we just had probably 100 people quit/partially quit or just kind of show up and not really care or show up late as all hell so we have trucks sitting around, and stuff going out late.

Now i'm real skeptical of situations and stuff, but it's also taken quite a shock to me. Seeing it on the official news and by military officials and with congress and talking to some friends ex military.
It's a lot to take in. But i'm also looking at the repercussions which is work force related.

Hell I can't blame coworkers much. Apparently some of them are living in studio apartments that are like 1800$ a month. My house is cheaper than that per month at about 1200. with utilities maybe 1350.

They specifically said in the committee meeting that there was funding going to these military sites.
I watched the whole 2 hours about 5 times in a row. I don't think quitting the job is the best choice, but I get it. I do think that at this point it's reasonable to just demand higher pay. If they have the budget to fly around and chase these “UAP” all day then they can pay everyone more for their time and labor.

The reality really sets in when you have a team you work on drop by over 50% and now you have to do a hard job with less people.

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