
Getting past a prior jobs work trauma..

I worked about 10 yrs at an ib. Last July an event happened where a piece of that work that needed 3 months of work was given to me 5 hrs before the deadline. I did the best I could in the time I had left, but because of errors, I was hung out to dry. It caused me to re-evaluate my life and I looked outside. I got a better job, but the thing that really hurts and I can’t seem to move past, is that I didn’t get any send off: a farewell lunch (a tradition in this company) nor even any acknowledgment of my contribution. My new job is so much better, and my work life balance is amazing, but I can’t help but feel sad about the 10yrs of work and how I was treated before I left. It’s weighing more on my mind these days,…

I worked about 10 yrs at an ib. Last July an event happened where a piece of that work that needed 3 months of work was given to me 5 hrs before the deadline. I did the best I could in the time I had left, but because of errors, I was hung out to dry. It caused me to re-evaluate my life and I looked outside. I got a better job, but the thing that really hurts and I can’t seem to move past, is that I didn’t get any send off: a farewell lunch (a tradition in this company) nor even any acknowledgment of my contribution.

My new job is so much better, and my work life balance is amazing, but I can’t help but feel sad about the 10yrs of work and how I was treated before I left. It’s weighing more on my mind these days, nearly 7 months after I left. I have spoken to my friends and they say to just get past it, but I don’t know how.

Anyone else been in a such a position? How did you process/heal/ move on? Any suggestions are welcome.

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