
Literally worked to death at the very young age of 70. A rage inducing story of a senior coerced to leaving the hospital early and go back to work, only to pass away days later.

So a little background. This is not my personal story, but I feel like many of you can empathize with me how unsettling and disgusting this is. My coworker just got back from his birthday weekend today. He had this planned for weeks ahead to just relax. But things were not right at first when he got back, as he did not come into work for close to a week beforehand. I asked him what was wrong, and he was extremely melancholy. His father had just passed away, and he had just buried him over the weekend. And this is where his story made my blood boil. Apparently his father was at his job, and while going about his day, he suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Internal bleeding. The doctors was able to get him to a stable condition, but he was not cleared for release yet.…

So a little background. This is not my personal story, but I feel like many of you can empathize with me how unsettling and disgusting this is.

My coworker just got back from his birthday weekend today. He had this planned for weeks ahead to just relax.

But things were not right at first when he got back, as he did not come into work for close to a week beforehand. I asked him what was wrong, and he was extremely melancholy.

His father had just passed away, and he had just buried him over the weekend.

And this is where his story made my blood boil.

Apparently his father was at his job, and while going about his day, he suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital.

Internal bleeding. The doctors was able to get him to a stable condition, but he was not cleared for release yet. They wanted to keep him there longer for observation. And this is worth repeating again, he was fucking 70.

While recovering, he got a call from his work, from his district manager. And this vile, inhuman, cartoonishly evil son of a bitch told this senior, who collapsed on the job, if he doesn't come back immediately, he won't have a job to come back to.

So what is this senior well into his golden years to do? When bills needed to get paid, family to support, and job markets heavily discriminating against anyone over 60?

He signed a voluntary waiver to leave against the hospital wishes.

Days later, his conditioned worsened to the point of no return.

When he inevitably got sent back to the hospital, no amount of blood transfusions could get him to a stable condition. It was already too late.

My coworker lost his dad because some monster threatened a hospitalized senior with being fired.

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