
Fired Before Termination Letters

I worked for a pest control company in Texas and I was basically fired over an emoji. Long story short, we were asked repeatedly by office personnel to respond with an emoji when we got a message from them on Slack, our company app for communication. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry, the technicians were responding as one would expect, in a condescending way. One tech told everyone to pick an emoji so the office knew had gotten their messages according to the emojis. Well I picked the clown face and someone else picked the middle finger and so forth and so on. Well needless to say, I responded to a message with a clown emoji and got fired. The laws for at will states suck by the way. Doubt there is anything I can do about it. Well here lies the question at hand. I was…

I worked for a pest control company in Texas and I was basically fired over an emoji. Long story short, we were asked repeatedly by office personnel to respond with an emoji when we got a message from them on Slack, our company app for communication. As if we don't have bigger fish to fry, the technicians were responding as one would expect, in a condescending way. One tech told everyone to pick an emoji so the office knew had gotten their messages according to the emojis. Well I picked the clown face and someone else picked the middle finger and so forth and so on. Well needless to say, I responded to a message with a clown emoji and got fired. The laws for at will states suck by the way. Doubt there is anything I can do about it. Well here lies the question at hand.

I was called to a meeting with the owner. When I walked into the office, I was immediately told that I was fired. After that, he tried to present me two letters. One saying my official termination date and end of insurance coverage date. The other letter was a form of non compete type letter, which none of us have ever signed, and it claimed that customer information is the property of my previous company even though I used my personal cell phone for business. My question is, since he fired me before presenting the letters, do they even count? You fired me so….. peace out, I'm gone. Those letters don't mean shit in my opinion.

I never signed a non compete clause and customers are canceling with them left and right since I started with a new company. Do I have anything to worry about? Texas.

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