
Work feels very dehumanizing and unrewarding

Vent coming ahead. I'll start by saying I (26F) used to like working at the place I'm currently at. The only thing that makes working at this place sh*tty are the people in corporate. I've got approved for a raise (literally 25 cent increase) back in March by my supervisor and the general manager. However corporate keeps denying this request and I'm honestly getting fed up with it. They make so much money off of their company that they can give, not just me, but ever body else raises as well while barely chipping into their profits. Because they refuse to give raised, there's been a high turnover rate which probably costs them more to hire new people than it would to give raises to the worker's. I think greed is an illness. From what I've seen in other work places, the one thing that stops work places from functioning…

Vent coming ahead.

I'll start by saying I (26F) used to like working at the place I'm currently at. The only thing that makes working at this place sh*tty are the people in corporate. I've got approved for a raise (literally 25 cent increase) back in March by my supervisor and the general manager. However corporate keeps denying this request and I'm honestly getting fed up with it. They make so much money off of their company that they can give, not just me, but ever body else raises as well while barely chipping into their profits. Because they refuse to give raised, there's been a high turnover rate which probably costs them more to hire new people than it would to give raises to the worker's. I think greed is an illness.

From what I've seen in other work places, the one thing that stops work places from functioning better is people in corporate positions. I think their positions are worthless and they don't really do anything meaningful on the front end to make businesses run better.

I know damn well that other places are paying people in my position 2 dollars or more at least. Yet, somehow, asking for a 25 cent raise is /too/ much. To me that means the higher ups don't see worker's as people. Just mere objects in their plan to make record profits. What I think is funny is theu couldn't even bring in revenue if it weren't for us. They depend on us to do the dirty work.

Because of this I'm trying to look for work elsewhere. I wish we weren't forced to participate in this god awful system that only benefits a select few while everyone else struggles to get by. Even beyond work, corporations dictate our lives (at least if you're in America) it's so damn exhausting. And there's no way to avoid it really. Work is not rewarding. The fact that retirement (if we'll ever have it at all) isn't until you hit your 50s to 60s is depressing. I don't even know if we as species will still exist at that age with how fast climate changes is acting.

Meanwhile all of these wealthy ghouls can go experience a lot of different things, have stability, and afford themselves a life of luxury that the majority will never get to have. Yet it still isn't enough for them! I'm tired of being a cog in their terrible machine.

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