
My grandfather died…I have a new perspective

A little backstory…I work for a fortune 500 company in accounting. I recently got “promoted” to escalations aka fix all of our screw ups and do the tasks my manager no longer wants to do. I was lowballed on pay due to going through a recruiter. I had to FIGHT and pull teeth to get a 9 percent raise as I was told it was a “lateral” move despite manager tasks being put onto my plate. My productivity on a bad day is twice that of my co-workers. On a good day my numbers are 3 x. I constantly take overtime to keep us from falling behind due to understaffing. The new hire has shown up 2 days out of the 5 every week since she was hired months ago. And always late. I constantly have to fix her screw ups before they through. But I thought hey I’m valued…

A little backstory…I work for a fortune 500 company in accounting. I recently got “promoted” to escalations aka fix all of our screw ups and do the tasks my manager no longer wants to do. I was lowballed on pay due to going through a recruiter. I had to FIGHT and pull teeth to get a 9 percent raise as I was told it was a “lateral” move despite manager tasks being put onto my plate.

My productivity on a bad day is twice that of my co-workers. On a good day my numbers are 3 x. I constantly take overtime to keep us from falling behind due to understaffing. The new hire has shown up 2 days out of the 5 every week since she was hired months ago. And always late. I constantly have to fix her screw ups before they through. But I thought hey I’m valued right? So I’ll invest myself.

My grandfather who raised me like a father died recently. He was in constant pain after a stroke. My family (a bunch of drug addicts who only want money) have been insufferable and I cannot even grieve in peace. I had to step in for my boss after one day (when I found out). I managed to do a full days worth of processing AND manage a mailbox that gets 200 emails a day AND handle every issue AND be available for questions. In the past I have cleared every single email and taken care of everything so my boss came in to things taken care of.

I came back to 103 emails for myself along with a demand of processing as much as a can due to is being behind because of my absence. I am now done killing myself for this company. You bought yourself the bare minimum because when I needed my managers support it was no where to be seen. I should know better…but we are just a number. Well so are they. And that number is represented in my low pay so that is what you will get from me from now on. Fuck corporate America. We should’nt have to sacrifice our mental health to line the pockets of these scumbags when they couldnt care less. On the bright side, my load just got a lot lighter.

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