
Worked my ass off for this job but boss is a let down

Alright, I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place. I'm not in the US so work culture is a little different here. I work in a niche industry that normally just takes temps and it's super hard to be made permanent. I wanted to eventually be made permanent mainly because I suffer from a mental health condition and I need the stability and health benefits. My company is basically the only one in the industry that actually offers a decent benefits package. I actually enjoy the work and culture in general too. So after working for them for collectively about 2 years as a temp, I got made permanent but I got moved to a different business location. Said I would stick out my six months probation no matter what and then maybe start applying for jobs internally to get something more suited to me. Well, my boss…

Alright, I hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place. I'm not in the US so work culture is a little different here. I work in a niche industry that normally just takes temps and it's super hard to be made permanent. I wanted to eventually be made permanent mainly because I suffer from a mental health condition and I need the stability and health benefits. My company is basically the only one in the industry that actually offers a decent benefits package. I actually enjoy the work and culture in general too.

So after working for them for collectively about 2 years as a temp, I got made permanent but I got moved to a different business location. Said I would stick out my six months probation no matter what and then maybe start applying for jobs internally to get something more suited to me.

Well, my boss made me cry during my first week and I am not a cryer. I've been around, I have had a lot of very challenging jobs and I don't think anyone has ever directly made me cry before. From what I've seen, she doesn't know what she's doing, and stomps down any ideas or potential changes. She's incredibly quick to anger, like 15 seconds into a conversation she will start going off.

I don't want to walk away from this company, but I've had a tyrant like this for a boss before and I don't need to experience it again. Not sure I can stick out my probation. Would it look bad if I already started applying for something else?

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