
I was abused so badly at work today ….

So the higher ups who get paid, but do nothing were present today. I work at a homeless shelter. We have funding back! I work hard and go above and beyond. I loved what I do. Now I feel defeated and just can’t stop crying. All I did was ask a question and I was treated awfully. I don’t get it. I understand she’s never in my building so doesn’t see what I do … but how can asking a question and bringing client to her as directed make me subject to so much abuse ???? Ummm these same people do NOTHING but just sit there and get paid. I can’t believe how awfully I was treated. I spoke up via email. I’ll se what reply I get. I have no idea why I’m hated when I got clients so we can discuss funding … like what was asked of…

So the higher ups who get paid, but do nothing were present today. I work at a homeless shelter. We have funding back! I work hard and go above and beyond. I loved what I do. Now I feel defeated and just can’t stop crying. All I did was ask a question and I was treated awfully. I don’t get it. I understand she’s never in my building so doesn’t see what I do … but how can asking a question and bringing client to her as directed make me subject to so much abuse ???? Ummm these same people do NOTHING but just sit there and get paid. I can’t believe how awfully I was treated. I spoke up via email. I’ll se what reply I get. I have no idea why I’m hated when I got clients so we can discuss funding … like what was asked of me and it’s ironic … bc I gave it my
All and go above and beyond but when I’m treated like shit for asking a question bc I care. Ummmmm .-. .-. .-. .-. NOW I STAY UP. CRYING. it’s not just me BC my coworkers also don’t get it and praise me :/

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