
if you don’t tip after your kids make a mess, go home and eat

so to give context i’m 18 and i’m saving for a trip to london and scottland. i work as a server in a small town tex-mex restrant. well so today there was a table of 3 that walked in (1 adult and 2 kids ranging from 1-5). i sat them down, asked there drinks (all half/half tea), and then got them there chips and salsa. some time passes and the eldest of the children has the bright idea to dump the chips and salsa all over himself and the floor. kids do this all the time so i’m used to it. i got my rag cleaned up the table and get them all new chips and salsa. more time passes and then they order, the adult (or mother) of the children orders a lunch size dinner feheatás (sorry i can’t spell) she wanted vegges i worked her that it would…

so to give context i’m 18 and i’m saving for a trip to london and scottland. i work as a server in a small town tex-mex restrant. well so today there was a table of 3 that walked in (1 adult and 2 kids ranging from 1-5). i sat them down, asked there drinks (all half/half tea), and then got them there chips and salsa. some time passes and the eldest of the children has the bright idea to dump the chips and salsa all over himself and the floor. kids do this all the time so i’m used to it. i got my rag cleaned up the table and get them all new chips and salsa. more time passes and then they order, the adult (or mother) of the children orders a lunch size dinner feheatás (sorry i can’t spell) she wanted vegges i worked her that it would be an extra charge. she didn’t care. the kids wanted mini corn dogs. i ordered it how they said it. then refilled there chips, salsa, and drinks. time passes and there food is done. so i put everything on the tray and take it out to them. i sat down everything, asked if they needed anything and walked away. i see the kids are marking a mess but i pay no mind. well the littlest one is just eating of the table, and the eldest child is just flinging there frys. i go over there and check up, they don’t need anything so i just walk away. a good 30-45 minuets pass and they come to check out and she looks at the ticket weird. i ask if there’s anything wrong. she asked why she’s being charged for veggies, so i explain to her that her meal didn’t come with veggies at first that they normally come with rice and beans. so she just hands me her card and i check her out. while i’m doing this i give my speech of “the top copy is ours but the bottom copy is your to keep or discard”. she just looks at me and says “i’m sorry” then puts a big fat 0 on the tip line and leaves. me and my coworkers are surprised, and i’m upset bc i did my best to make sure there well taken care of.
after all of that, i made 3 bucks to night. i hate how people treat food workers sometimes. but sometimes it’s good. it’s always 50/50 and i’m ready for a new job…

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