
Quitting job for a break.

So Im 34 – I've been at my job for just under a year, after leaving a company i had been at for 10+ years. Long story short, im not happy here – the work load is too high, the staff are overworked and the job is mentally draining, the other 2 guys in my office are depressed and spend most of their day sulking. My mental health has definitely taken a turn for the worse. I want out – Ive been trying to get a new job for the last 3/4 months, but i have nowhere i can go for interviews (remote or in person) i have to have the interview in a quiet road because there is no where safe in my office to have that kind of call. I am seriously debating quitting and trying to find work then, because im so happy and being employed here…

So Im 34 – I've been at my job for just under a year, after leaving a company i had been at for 10+ years. Long story short, im not happy here – the work load is too high, the staff are overworked and the job is mentally draining, the other 2 guys in my office are depressed and spend most of their day sulking.

My mental health has definitely taken a turn for the worse.

I want out – Ive been trying to get a new job for the last 3/4 months, but i have nowhere i can go for interviews (remote or in person) i have to have the interview in a quiet road because there is no where safe in my office to have that kind of call.

I am seriously debating quitting and trying to find work then, because im so happy and being employed here makes it almost impossible to find the time to get another job.

Ive been employed since 18, with only a few holidays over the years – im not sure if im just burned out or if this job is really making me this unhappy.

Anyone had experience with leaving work to find something else?

I'll be able to claim benefits while im unemployed, they just about cover most of my expenses (just a little short on food expenses)

Stupid move?


Screw it, do it Life is too short?

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