
The microManager

Hi all – I just wanted some opinions/thoughts on this matter. So my remote crew has had a manager now for about 2 and a half years now. To put it straight, she's a covert micromanager. In our meetings, she always tries to come across empathetic and caring and I've seen her on multiple occasions profess to take one route of action yet, when she deals with the actual situation, she is much more cruel. She will say she has our back, but then when we get a email with her cc'ed in from a customer, it's immediately what did we do and our fault..feels accusatory. Zero empathy. I've seen her hound my coworkers and want them to explain why they were doing things the way they did and other specific people she plays favorites with. I've also noticed she does things to specific people, the nicer you are, the…

Hi all – I just wanted some opinions/thoughts on this matter.
So my remote crew has had a manager now for about 2 and a half years now.
To put it straight, she's a covert micromanager. In our meetings, she always tries to come across empathetic and caring and I've seen her on multiple occasions profess to take one route of action yet, when she deals with the actual situation, she is much more cruel. She will say she has our back, but then when we get a email with her cc'ed in from a customer, it's immediately what did we do and our fault..feels accusatory. Zero empathy. I've seen her hound my coworkers and want them to explain why they were doing things the way they did and other specific people she plays favorites with.

I've also noticed she does things to specific people, the nicer you are, the more she singles you out to bully/watch you. She will give certain rules for certain people, for instance I'm not allowed to have my camera off during a meeting (I've seen other people do it) and other people on my crew are allowed to put their status as offline, but I will get messaged about mine. All the way down to, if I have something to be out of office for, I can update one spot but don't update another for no actual real reason.

Now, the other works might have talked to her about having these certain issues and have excuses for them but something makes me doubt that.

One of my coworkers got talked to for taking too much PTO. And then two other coworkers I had got moved elsewhere and interestingly enough, they told me multiple times about her essentially watching/hovering and harassing them about their work and what they were doing. I've also noticed she goes after people who are quiet.

Any takes on this? I've been job searching but with very little luck and I'm starting to get the feeling she's singling me out more often now since I've been pretty cordial with her the best I can.

Sorry if this is vague – I get paranoid someone will find this lol

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