
Stealing from customers because it’s “too hard” to remove an erroneous fee

So, I'm mostly venting but this is RIDICULOUS. I work at a company that makes a specialized large format product for a single industry. Don't want to go more indepth as we are small and you can easily find us. I don't want my boss finding this because he is vindictive. Our product includes some hardware we manufacture and a graphic we design and produce. Again. Intentionally vague. We got an order in art today that is a fully blank graphic and charged $200 for the “graphic design” of the layout. I don't know why this is even in art, there is literally nothing for us to do with the order but pass it to production. What's so flabbergasting is that this order is paid in full and all the managers are saying there isn't a reason to remove the fee because it'll mean too much work on the sales…

So, I'm mostly venting but this is RIDICULOUS.

I work at a company that makes a specialized large format product for a single industry. Don't want to go more indepth as we are small and you can easily find us. I don't want my boss finding this because he is vindictive.

Our product includes some hardware we manufacture and a graphic we design and produce. Again. Intentionally vague.

We got an order in art today that is a fully blank graphic and charged $200 for the “graphic design” of the layout. I don't know why this is even in art, there is literally nothing for us to do with the order but pass it to production.

What's so flabbergasting is that this order is paid in full and all the managers are saying there isn't a reason to remove the fee because it'll mean too much work on the sales team to refund the money, Get a new PO, and get them to sign/pay the new invoice.

But… We're stealing from our customers?! We're charging them a fee they don't need to pay because there is no graphic design happening. And everyone is just… Letting it slide.

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