
I feel like I did the right thing

So for context I no longer work at this place. I used to work at a dealership as an express tech. I got hired on Valentine’s Day believe it or not. Anyway, this was my first ever “real” job where as I was moving furniture for a staging lady and doing landscaping before but this was my first real job. Anyway, being who I am I’m pretty forgetful and I don’t know if it’s stupidity, short term memory loss, or some other kind of brain issue. Anyway, I’d forget some things like tightening drain bolts, lug nuts (yes I know this one is huge), oil caps, etc. so pretty small stuff save for the lugs. My bosses have always told me it’s fine and all and swept the small stuff under the rug. However, last week I had taken two days off Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday was because of food…

So for context I no longer work at this place. I used to work at a dealership as an express tech. I got hired on Valentine’s Day believe it or not. Anyway, this was my first ever “real” job where as I was moving furniture for a staging lady and doing landscaping before but this was my first real job. Anyway, being who I am I’m pretty forgetful and I don’t know if it’s stupidity, short term memory loss, or some other kind of brain issue. Anyway, I’d forget some things like tightening drain bolts, lug nuts (yes I know this one is huge), oil caps, etc. so pretty small stuff save for the lugs. My bosses have always told me it’s fine and all and swept the small stuff under the rug. However, last week I had taken two days off Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday was because of food poisoning which I told my bosses about, and Thursday was because on of my great uncles had passed and due to my family being mostly old people and others who are weak except for three of my uncles but they live 1100 miles away, I was the only one capable of moving most of his stuff so I had to call off. Monday I get called into my boss’s office and he tells me I can’t “no-call-no-show” when he needs reliable people especially when I’m a closer. Which is a hunk of shit because we had one other guy in express who was worse than me. He basically stole parts from our parts department, took 2-3 hour lunches, came in a whole hour late, left an hour early, didn’t even finish his shift before working on his personal vehicle, and did nothing but bitch about his pay despite making more hours than me and this continued for months because we didn’t have anybody to replace him, simple as that. For a bit of extra context my schedule was Sun: 9-4 and Monday-Thursday: 10-7. Me and one other guy were there till 7 and he was part time cause he was going to tech school. We did have one other guy but he was still in training and was usually left to oil and tire jobs. He then tells me he can’t have me back in the shop when I’m so unreliable and said I had to either quit or he could make me a porter with a chance to be able to work my way back into the shop after some time. I hate porting, sitting out in the hot ass southern sun in a black polo shirt just parking cars and shit, I’d rather drag my balls over broken glass. He then let me get back to my work, telling me I had until the end of the day to make my decision. I called my mom for advice and she said she’d be fine with me quitting since that place was kinda shady and I have other opportunities especially since my best friends grandpa is the head supervisor of the power plant for my city and I could try that. So I finished the work I had before I got called into the office, brought my truck around into the shop and packed all my shit. I then changed outta my uniform, and walked around saying my goodbyes to the guys in the shop since all of them were amazing guys to work with and shook their hands. I finished by saying good bye to my boss and shaking his hand and I went out to the shop to leave and he comes out and the only thing that leaves his mouth is “You’re just gonna quit in the middle of the day and not finish your shift?” I told him yup and got the fuck outta there.

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