
Company lied about new salary so I told everyone and left.

Quick story to bring up y'all mood, UK based btw. I had just started a job 6 months ago at a company and agreed to a salary of £26k (I only take £22k of that home after tax). Being a graduate engineer I let it be as salaries rise with a few years experience in my field. A company Id applied to 7 months ago around the time I was on an applying spree (which landed this older job) finally got back to me. I did a interview online and they were very happy with my CV so they offered me £32k plus a company car I can choose from a list (the worse car on this list mind you was an 2020 MG3) plus on site charging for EV's and insurance and private healthcare for me +1 (given the unfortunate state of the NHS its not a bad perk)…

Quick story to bring up y'all mood, UK based btw. I had just started a job 6 months ago at a company and agreed to a salary of £26k (I only take £22k of that home after tax). Being a graduate engineer I let it be as salaries rise with a few years experience in my field.

A company Id applied to 7 months ago around the time I was on an applying spree (which landed this older job) finally got back to me. I did a interview online and they were very happy with my CV so they offered me £32k plus a company car I can choose from a list (the worse car on this list mind you was an 2020 MG3) plus on site charging for EV's and insurance and private healthcare for me +1 (given the unfortunate state of the NHS its not a bad perk) and a better pension plan yada yada. A whole bag of goodies.

At my 6 months nd-of-probation meeting with my original work place I laid it down that I have this offer which i have until the end of september to accept or decline, told them all the perks and bonuses etc. And said that I would be happy to turn it all down for £30k from them. As the newer work place was a 45-50 minute drive whilst this place was 15 minutes, plus they took me in when I had little to no work experience so I was showing some proffesional courtesy. They mumbled a little and said 28? I said no 30 i wont go a penny less, they mumbled more and finally they said ok. Not to toot my own horn but even though I've been there for 6 months only they do need me badly in my engineering department and they know that.

My next paycheck came after that meeting and OHHH what do you know its still for my 26k salary. I bring it up and they say well the meeting was half-way through the month and that NEXT month I'll get the agreed amount. Next month comes and goes and OHH. Still its 26k salary.

I email my manager saying I wont even open my computer until this is fixed. He and another manager say that the £30k salary will kick in at the start of the next year, and thats what it said on the fine print of the contract I signed apparently. I bought up how thats not what we agreed. They bought up how I signed the paper. So i quit on the spot.

Before I left I told everyone in my office EVERYTHING that happened down to stink of the managers breath in my original meeting and told them that the new company im working for is still looking for another 6-8 engineers in a similar role to what they do currently and listed all the perks they have to offer.

I start my new job at the start of next month. I hope my co-workers follow me on. ALWAYS BE LOOKING FOR NEW JOBS!!! LOYALTY DOESNT PAY BILLS.

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