
Why does life have to suck for 99% of us just so the 1% can be happy and unemployed?

The system is so broken. Imagine a monkey tells another monkey to gather 100 bananas so they can get a reward, the reward ends up being 2 bananas that they gathered anyway. Imagine a monkey hoarding all the bananas and watching the other monkeys starve. You really think those monkeys are just going to sit there and starve? Well that's what us humans are doing just letting them walk all over us. All we do is talk about how we can change things since we out number them, but at the end of the day we do nothing. It's sad.

The system is so broken. Imagine a monkey tells another monkey to gather 100 bananas so they can get a reward, the reward ends up being 2 bananas that they gathered anyway. Imagine a monkey hoarding all the bananas and watching the other monkeys starve. You really think those monkeys are just going to sit there and starve? Well that's what us humans are doing just letting them walk all over us. All we do is talk about how we can change things since we out number them, but at the end of the day we do nothing. It's sad.

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