
Quitting a Job for a Better Job?

I started training this week for a temp job that will end in Jan-April. I didn't want to take the job but I was getting desperate. I have been out of full time work since I walked out of a really “toxic” (sorry I normally hate that word) job I had started only five weeks prior on the spot in the very beginning of June. And I guess I just didn't think finding full time work would be this fucking hard. I know I have a “decorative degree” (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, yes, if I could go back and time and actually learn a skill I would. But I didn't so oh well) It's been a nightmare. I have sent my resume to more than 100 places. Some paying as low as like $16-17 an hour. Well I FINALLY got a good interview with a state job offering a…

I started training this week for a temp job that will end in Jan-April. I didn't want to take the job but I was getting desperate. I have been out of full time work since I walked out of a really “toxic” (sorry I normally hate that word) job I had started only five weeks prior on the spot in the very beginning of June. And I guess I just didn't think finding full time work would be this fucking hard. I know I have a “decorative degree” (Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, yes, if I could go back and time and actually learn a skill I would. But I didn't so oh well) It's been a nightmare. I have sent my resume to more than 100 places. Some paying as low as like $16-17 an hour.

Well I FINALLY got a good interview with a state job offering a minimum pay of $22.50 (which ideally I'd like above $25, but oh well beggars can't be choosers) …get this on the first day of training at this job. Unemployed for two months, applied to this job over a month ago…and now they call. Plus I got an email for a third interview for a WFH position that pays between $21-23. Both are normal ongoing positions and they pay more than the $20 the temp company does.

Anyway, I guess none of this really matters, for my question but I will keep rambling a little. I started training this week. The state job said they will “make a decision by next week” during my interview today and the final interview for the WFH job is tomorrow. How would you quit that temp job if offered one of the others? Should I still give a notice? Show up at 8:00 and give the boss a firm hand shake apologizing saying “I must take the better paying, continuous job” and ask if they would like me to stick around until a replacement is found, or send an email and CC both supervisors and just no-show? I feel like a good middle ground would be to call first thing next business day and tell them “hey, it's 8:00 and I know I am not there. It's because I was offered a better job. I'd give a notice but there is no point since most of my two weeks will still be training.” Idk, giving a two weeks notice when I am only 75% trained seems a bit redundant. And if I am not offered one of those positions for like another week, I may be close to actually functioning as a stand alone employee? Not all the way though, case management takes awhile before you are actually benefiting the company. With most jobs, the first few weeks are just training, shadowing, and doing small simple tasks.

Ugh, why does this whole scenario make me feel guilty? Idk, could use some advice. The inner “confrontation bad” in me just wants to do the email after hours.

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