
I hate people

So I started a new job at a dog kennel and we have to take pictures of the dogs, I thought I was doing okay at it but I guess not as of today. They’re really janky cameras and the HR department gets to use their phone to take pictures. I noticed that after I took a bunch of pictures they would come in, not say anything and take more of the dogs. I was really confused by it and it’s kind of uncomfortable. I asked “oh did I not take enough pictures?” And she goes “you want me to be honest?” With a smirk, “you suck” I was in shock. Not at the fact that she told me I sucked, but more pissed off that they didn’t tell me the whole month that I’ve been here, instead of going behind my back. Makes me feel really un welcome and…

So I started a new job at a dog kennel and we have to take pictures of the dogs, I thought I was doing okay at it but I guess not as of today. They’re really janky cameras and the HR department gets to use their phone to take pictures. I noticed that after I took a bunch of pictures they would come in, not say anything and take more of the dogs. I was really confused by it and it’s kind of uncomfortable. I asked “oh did I not take enough pictures?” And she goes “you want me to be honest?” With a smirk, “you suck” I was in shock. Not at the fact that she told me I sucked, but more pissed off that they didn’t tell me the whole month that I’ve been here, instead of going behind my back. Makes me feel really un welcome and it appreciated at all. I do what I’m told, I show up on time, I just don’t understand. I have a learning disability but I don’t say anything because I get treated different. I just feel like a failure who can’t even work a camera rightbut I just hate petty management like that. Why not just tell me? She did show me after, but doesn’t disclose the fact that they obviously were talking smack about me. I’m really just there to get money and go home anyways, I just brushed it off but I needed to rant. The girl was a bitch honestly. Over pictures which isn’t even the most important part.

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