
Just fired.

I was hired with a medical office for a service coordinator position. I quickly learned the ropes, because I have years in the field and was doing very well. Had top number of calls taken, top speed of calls, and was trusted with multiple large projects. The one issue I had was one employee who was hired just before me and was nuts. She created a HIPAA breach so I made a complaint about her. It escalated until we were on the Directors radar. At that point I was chewed out, threatened, and my probation was extended. At that was it. I was on the shit list. Nothing happened to the person who caused the breach, even though she was in her probationary period. Recently we had an issue where our program wouldn't schedule correctly and we had been getting conflicting information on what to do. There was no documentation…

I was hired with a medical office for a service coordinator position. I quickly learned the ropes, because I have years in the field and was doing very well. Had top number of calls taken, top speed of calls, and was trusted with multiple large projects.

The one issue I had was one employee who was hired just before me and was nuts. She created a HIPAA breach so I made a complaint about her. It escalated until we were on the Directors radar. At that point I was chewed out, threatened, and my probation was extended. At that was it. I was on the shit list. Nothing happened to the person who caused the breach, even though she was in her probationary period.

Recently we had an issue where our program wouldn't schedule correctly and we had been getting conflicting information on what to do. There was no documentation to guide the issue.

Multiple people had made mistakes and I was told I made the fewest and they had all already been resolved before todays meeting. However, the Director took her shot and released me from probation.

I already had a resume out and have an interview today…but holy crap was that a punch in the gut. She decided that I was out, just because I gave a shit about the job and complained ONCE about.

I have no options because you can be let go for any reason if there is a probationary period. Just sucks because I genuinely liked the work I did.

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