
Were your anti-work views shaped by having strict parents?

As in, the type that would get angry if they saw you relaxing instead of studying/chores, despite having the high grades and extracurriculars they demanded you have? I knew someone who grew up like this. They got into the college they wanted, but were unlucky enough to be there during the pandemic. Now they have to pay back loans for the college experience they worked so hard to get but lost to remote learning, and can’t even find a job in their field because the economy is busted. All that “tiger parenting” for nothing…

As in, the type that would get angry if they saw you relaxing instead of studying/chores, despite having the high grades and extracurriculars they demanded you have?

I knew someone who grew up like this. They got into the college they wanted, but were unlucky enough to be there during the pandemic. Now they have to pay back loans for the college experience they worked so hard to get but lost to remote learning, and can’t even find a job in their field because the economy is busted. All that “tiger parenting” for nothing…

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