
Help with Hostile Work Environment

My GF works for the state of SC as a front desk admin. She is being severely mistreated by her supervisor and coworkers and it is creating a very hostile work environment for her. She has called me multiple times on her lunch break in tears recently. Her supervisor only takes the side of the others in the office, takes their word and doesn’t even let her tell her side of the story, but pulls her into an office to discuss it, and what will happen going forward if it happens again and such, while twisting the words she said to these coworkers. She’s been told that if she goes out of the chain of command again she’ll be wrote up for it, so she can’t reach out to the next up HR at office in the state capital, and the local HR rep is causing these same issues as…

My GF works for the state of SC as a front desk admin. She is being severely mistreated by her supervisor and coworkers and it is creating a very hostile work environment for her. She has called me multiple times on her lunch break in tears recently. Her supervisor only takes the side of the others in the office, takes their word and doesn’t even let her tell her side of the story, but pulls her into an office to discuss it, and what will happen going forward if it happens again and such, while twisting the words she said to these coworkers.

She’s been told that if she goes out of the chain of command again she’ll be wrote up for it, so she can’t reach out to the next up HR at office in the state capital, and the local HR rep is causing these same issues as her supervisor, not taking her concerns seriously and sitting in on meetings between her and her supervisor. What can we do to either CYA or push this matter in way that won’t get her in trouble. This has been on going for months, and I’m sick and tired of how they’re treating her.

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